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Brief bio

Tomrova is a high energy police Hatter working for the E.R.P.D (Emerald Rozzers Police Department) it’s his duty to ensure his team and the towns he visits remain safe, even if his methods for doing so is questionable.
Tomrova live in his office on the 2nd floor in the E.R.P.D, located in the small town of Boushi.
Tomrova’s Weapon of choice is his Police Baton, made of sturdy wood for that extra blunt force, he is also equipped with standard police equipment located in his pouches, including handcuffs, notebook, torch and a personal radio.




  • Among the “Main 8” he’s the humorous hatter.

  • If Tomrova is on a case he’s more serious.

  • Tomrova gets along well with other humorous people

  • Benmaru considers Tomrova as his best friend.

  • If Tomrova hasn’t been assigned a case, he goes off admiring females.

  • Tomrova has a fair amount of skill in tracking down villains (vie leads).




  • Being the kind of guy who admires females, many females find him a creep.

  • Tomrova gets easily distracted towards the more pretty females.

  • Tomrova tends to jump to conclusions too quickly even without clear evidence.

  • The “main 7” even though sometimes it’s funny, has to make sure Tomrova doesn’t harass the female hatters of their group too often.

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