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Brief Bio

Silka is a Siren born from a royal family who has travel far in search of her “true love” to carry on her family’s lineage, as a Cyan Hatter she has a calm and romantic personality which is also used to keep her “Siren spirit” at bay, she also has the power to transform into a mermaid whenever she pleases. Her weapon of choice is her golden harp as well as her singing voice, used together she can lure her targets closer for easy point blank screaming, should she fall under pressure and let out her spirit, the spirit will take control of the fight instead. 



  • Among the “Main 8” she’s the alluring Hatter.

  • Silka’s forms have a system, wishing on a starfish and diving into water turns her into a mermaid.

  • Taking off the starfish to kiss someone of same royal blood, or someone she loves turns her back into human form.

  • The Cyan gem also helps in keeping the “siren spirit” at bay by acting as a suppressor.

  • As of now she considers Trifong as her love interest.

  • She will refer her love interest as “Darling”.



  • If Silka is in mermaid form and her “Darling” isn’t about, she will be stuck in that form for a long time till she does find one.

  • She get’s easilly aggressive if her “Darling” is with another girl.

  • She refuses to use her harp as a bludgening weapon (only in panic will she reconsider it)

  • If her tiara is removed for too long her “Siren spirit” will take full control of Silka.

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