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Brief bio


Luke is a goofball despite being near young adult age and sometimes is not afraid to show it off. A normal person who enjoys life each passing day, that all changed once he bought Trifong’s Hat, now he has to get serious at time since bad guys are out to get him.
Luke lives with his parents in a small house in Boushi.
Lastly Luke only has his survival instincts as his form of combat, using whatever is near him to get him out of a pinch, unless he has Trifong’s hat with him in which case he’ll use that to transform.




  • Luke is able to make friends slightly easier than the other hatters he’s teamed with.

  • Luke is a bit of a foodie and really loves apple based drinks.

  • Luke likes to joke and quote a few music lines on some occasions.

  • Luke draws during his down time, and is quite good at it.

  • During long travels he has a pushbike to get around.

  • Luke likes music between the 80s and 90s.




  • Luke tends to forget often, even forgetting Trifong’s hat sometimes.

  • Doesn’t like to be told to act his age.

  • Luke is average level smart.

  • Trouble tends to follow him once news gets about of him and his hat’s location.

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