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Brief Bio

Chastity who works shifts at the Rust Pipe Saloon is a tough young adult capable of handling herself in troubling situations, she is skilled in drinks as well as fixing during her downtime so she can be very helpful to have alongside, Her gem acts like an emotional booster which can prove problematic at times since Chastity is into romantic fantasy or novels. Her weapon of choice is an umbrella with a wrench as the handle so it also doubles as a fixing tool, with the umbrella part she can perform thrusts and blocks, and if needed, bash things with the wrench end. 



  • Among the “Main 8” she’s the supportive Hatter.

  • Chastity has a decent amount of self-control to help with her Gem’s power.

  • Chastity is very good at fixing up mechanics.

  • As a bartender she knows a thing or two about drinks.

  • Upon seeing paintless Trifong she felt a spark for him.

  • Chastity enjoys reading.


  • Chastity’s Gem yerns for “heated moments” which can pose a problem if the situation continues to escalate.

  • Chastity will stand in the way of those who get between her and her love intrest.

  • Chastity will sometimes stutter if her love intrest comunicates with her.

  • Chastity doesn’t like most rodents/critters.

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