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Brief Bio


Chace gives off a calm vibe that, around most people would think he’s just stuck up, but actually isn’t great dealing with people. Donning Catfolk looks and abilities (from the Gifted Grey gem) he brings new tricks to the table among his team. Chace has only a few friends but he has considered them part of a family and will do anything to ensure their well protected.
Chace currently lives at a Dojo within Boushi, where he helps those who wish to learn martial arts.
Chace’s weapon is a pair of steel Tonfas which pairs well for Chace’s martial arts and Catfolk abilities.





  • Chace have a robotic right arm. (How he lost it remains unknown.)

  • He loves to cook.

  • Among the “Main 8” he’s the cool Hatter.

  • Chace likes to spar with his opponents (Benmaru mostly.)

  • He loves eating fish.

  • Has hidden magical capabilities.




  • Can lose his temper when his friends are heavily threatened.

  • Slow at trusting people.

  • Has a tendancy to overthink things.

  • Can get a little too into battle.


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